Sunday, November 9, 2008

Nikita's Wish

Side note: Picture is of Cherry...the lovebird I was convinced I should adopt and tame. So far, I have made little progress!

So our little group has kicked butt for almost a year now. 11 months to be exact! We have adopted out 81 animals so far. 42 rats,27 dogs, 10 guinea pigs,5 rabbits,3 cats,2 ferrets and 2 birds!

Quite impressive since we really just have two primary foster homes! We have 3 other homes that have fostered 1 or 2 dogs for us but for the most part it has been just two homes.

We currently have 4 dogs, 2 cats and 1 rat....but we have 2 Greyhounds coming from Kansas this month as well as 5 rats that are being brought to us this week. I have to say I am very impressed with what our TINY group has done!

1 comment:

Amy said...

We are pretty impressive like that!